Advice and Support

Your Historic Place lens

The Your Historic Place lens is designed to be used with the Place Standard Tool. It sparks and supports conversations to explore the connections between people, place, and our historic environment.

Shoppers on Buchanan Street, Glasgow

The Your Historic Place lens is designed to be used with the Place Standard Tool.

It can help to spark and support conversations which explore the connections between people, place, and our historic environment.

We have launched a pilot version of the lens. We’re inviting those involved in place-making related projects to try it out and tell us what you think.

What is the Place Standard Tool?

The Place Standard tool is a way of assessing places. Whether the place is well-established, undergoing change, or is still being planned, the tool can help you.

The Place Standard tool provides a simple framework to structure conversations about place, based around 14 questions. The tool provides prompts for discussions, allowing you to consider all the elements of a place in a methodical way. The tool pinpoints the assets of a place as well as areas where a place could improve.

Find out more about the Place Standard Tool here, or watch this video: 

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How does the Your Historic Place lens work?

The Your Historic Place lens uses the same themes as the Place Standard Tool. The lens introduces each theme with a short exploration of its connections to the historic environment. It then gives additional conversation prompts. These can be used to inspire discussion and help participants think about their historic place.

It will help you to think about your area’s buildings, places, and spaces. How do the historic elements of your area shape the place it is today? And how can they help it be a successful place for the future?

About this pilot project

A pilot version of the Your Historic Place lens is currently available. Historic Environment Scotland have developed it, in conjunction with the Place Standard Team.

We welcome use of the pilot Your Historic Place lens in place-making activities across Scotland.

All we ask is that you let us know how you used it and what you thought of it. Your feedback will help us refine and develop the lens. We’re also looking for case studies, so that we can share how the lens has been used in practice.

The pilot phase will run until summer 2024. Once we’ve gathered and analysed the feedback, we’re hoping to make a final version available soon after.

How can I get involved?

To find out more, take a look at our FAQs and the pilot version of Your Historic Place lens 

Please give us your feedback via our short online survey 
